孙佳伟 Jiawei Sun


地址:Barkhausenbau, BAR 26, 01069 Dresden, Germany
Email: jiawei.sun@tu-dresden.de


2019.10 - 至今,助理研究员, 德累斯顿工业大学 (TU Dresden)

2023.03 - 至今,博士后, 德累斯顿工业大学 (TU Dresden), 导师:Juergen Czarske教授

2019.10 - 2023.03,博士, 德累斯顿工业大学 (TU Dresden),光电信息, 导师:Juergen Czarske教授

2016.10 - 2019.06,硕士, 波鸿大学 (Ruhr-University Bochum),激光与光子学, 导师:Martin Hofmann教授

2012.09 - 2016.07,学士, 西北工业大学,信息技术


  • 2023年11月 Heinrich Barkhausen Prize (Carl-Friedrich-von-Siemens Foundation) (2023年唯一获奖者)

  • 2023年7月 Siegfried Werth Prize 新闻链接

  • 2024年5月 University Prize for Measurement Systems Engineering (Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation)

  • 2022年09月 国际光学工程学会“最佳学生论文奖” SPIE Student Best Paper Prize

  • 2022年 《麻省理工科技评论》(MIT Technology Review)杂志个人封面专访 新闻链接

  • 2023年3月 德累斯顿工业大学博士学位最高荣誉 (summa cum laude)

  • 2023年 Top downloaded papers of Light: Science & Applications in 2022 Paper Link

  • 2023年01月 SPIE Student Conference Travel Grant (Photonics West 2023)

  • 2015年 十四届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品 全国三等奖


  • 2023.05 - 至今:Photonics (SCI期刊), 客座编辑
    Special Issue “Emerging Topics in High-Power Laser and Light–Matter Interactions” 投稿链接Link
  • 2021.10 - 2023.01:国际光学工程学会 (SPIE) 德累斯顿学生分会, 部长
  • 2022.01 - 2023.01:美国光学学会 (OPTICA/OSA) 德累斯顿学生分会, 部长及创始人之一
  • 2016.11 - 2018.11:波鸿中国学生学者联合会, 干事
  • 中国光学学会会员
  • OPTICA member (美国光学学会)
  • SPIE member (国际光学工程学会)
  • IEEE member (电气与电子工程师协会)

  • 担任期刊审稿人:
    Springer Nature: Communications Physics, Communications Biology, Light: Science & Applications, Light: Advanced Manufacturing,Advanced Fiber Materials, Journal of the European Optical Society
    Science Partner Journals (AAAS): Intelligent Computing
    OPTICA(OSA): Biomedical Optics Express, Optics Express, Optics Letters
    Wiley: Laser & Photonics Reviews
    IEEE: IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

Publication List

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Jiawei Sun*, Bin Yang, Nektarios Koukourakis, Jochen Guck, Juergen W Czarske*, “AI-driven projection tomography with multicore fibre-optic cell rotation”, Nature Communications, 2024
  2. Jiawei Sun*, Jiachen Wu, Song Wu, Liangcai Cao, Ruchi Goswami, Salvatore Girardo, Jochen Guck, Nektarios Koukourakis*, Juergen W Czarske*, “Quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless fiber endoscope”, Light: Science & Applications, 2022 LSA top downloaded papers in 2022
  3. Jiawei Sun, Robert Kuschmierz, Ori Katz, Nektarios Koukourakis, Juergen W Czarske*, “Lensless fiber endomicroscopy in biomedicine”, PhotoniX, 2024
  4. Jiawei Sun, Juergen W Czarske, “Compressive holographic sensing simplifies quantitative phase imaging”, Light: Science & Applications, 2023
  5. Jiawei Sun, Bin Zhao, D. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Zhang, N. Koukourakis, J. Czarske, Xuelong Li, “Calibration-free quantitative phase imaging in multi-core fiber endoscopes using end-to-end deep learning”, Optics Letters, 2024
  6. Jiawei Sun*, Jiachen Wu*, Nektarios Koukourakis, Robert Kuschmierz, Liangcai Cao, Juerge Czarske*, “Real-time complex light field generation through a multi-core fiber with deep learning”, Nature Scientific Reports, 2022
  7. Jiawei Sun*, Nektarios Koukourakis, Jochen Guck, and Jürgen W. Czarske, “Rapid computational cell-rotation around arbitrary axes in 3D with multi-core fiber”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2021
  8. Jiawei Sun, Nektarios Koukourakis*, and Jürgen W. Czarske, “Complex Wavefront Shaping through a Multi‐Core Fiber”, Applied Sciences, 2021 Highly viewed papers in Section “Optics and Lasers” Link Highly cited papers in Section “Optics and Lasers” Link

Book Publication

  1. Jiawei Sun, “Learning-based Three-Dimensional Optical Cell Rotation Tomography and Quantitative Phase Imaging Using Multi-Core Fibers.” Dresdner Berichte zur Messsystemtechnik, 19. Düren: Shaker Verlag, 2023. ISBN: 9783844090529.

International Conference Presentations

  1. Jiawei Sun*, N. Koukourakis and J. Czarske, “Multi-Dimensional Cell Rotation with Multi-Core Fibers and Wavefront Shaping”, Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) 2022, Dresden, Germany (Oral) 荣获国际光学工程学会颁发的“最佳学生论文奖” SPIE Student Best Paper Prize
  2. Jiawei Sun*, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürgen W. Czarske, “Learning-based quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lens-free fiber microendoscope”, SPIE Photonics West, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA (Oral) 荣获SPIE Student Conference Travel Grant
  3. Jiawei Sun, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürgen W. Czarske*, “3D cell rotation in multicore fiber-based optical diffraction tomography with isotropic resolution using deep learning”, SPIE Optics and Photonics 2023, San Diego, CA, USA (Oral)
  4. Jie Zhang, Jiawei Sun*, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürgen Czarske, “Lensless microendoscope: ultra-thin nanoscale surface imaging probe”, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN) 2022, Nanjing, China (Oral)
  5. Jiawei Sun*, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürg3. Jiawei Sun*, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürgen W. Czarske, “Real-time quantitative phase imaging through a multicore fiber using deep learning”, SPIE Photonics Asia 2022, Nantong, China (Oral)
  6. Jiawei Sun*, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürgen W. Czarske, “3D cell-rotation using multi-core fiber-based lab-on-a-chip for optical tomography”, SPIE Optics and Photonics 2022, San Diego, CA, USA (Oral)
  7. Jiawei Sun*, N. Dunkelberg, N. Koukourakis, R. Kuschmierz, J. W. Czarske and J. Guck, “Multi-dimensional cell-rotation using multi-core fibers and wavefront shaping”, SPIE Photonics West 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA (Oral)
  8. Krisztian Neutsch, L. Schnitzler, Jiawei Sun, M. J Tranelis, Martin R Hofmann, Nils C Gerhardt, “In-depth particle localization with common-path digital holographic microscopy”, SPIE Photonics West 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA (Oral)

Invited Talks

  1. Jiawei Sun*, Bin Yang, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jürgen W. Czarske,”Computational multicore fiber-optic cell rotation tomography with isotropic 3D resolution”, The 14th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2023), Xi’an, China, Aug. 2023
  2. Juergen W. Czarske*, Nektarios Koukourakis and Jiawei Sun, “Multicore fiber endoscopy for 3D rotation of cancer cells (Invited)”, SPIE Optical Metrology 2023, Munich, Germany, Jun. 2023
  3. Jiawei Sun, “Smart multi-core fiber endoscope for light field control and detection”, 5th International Forum of Advanced Photonics for Young Scientists, 浙江大学光电学院70周年院庆, 2023年1月
  4. 孙佳伟, “智能光纤内窥镜—光场调控与相位成像”, 上海人工智能实验室青年学术论坛,2022年8月
  5. 孙佳伟, “智能光纤内窥镜”, 合肥综合性国家科学中心人工智能研究院,2022年8月
  6. Jiawei Sun, “Smart multi-core fiber endoscope for light field control and detection”, Institute of Biomedical Optics, University of Luebeck, Germany, Feb. 2022
  7. Jiawei Sun, “Multi-core fiber for light field control and detection”, Seminar of Chair for Photonics and Terahertz Technology at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, Feb. 2022
  8. Jiawei Sun, “Real-time Program-controlled Cell Rotation using Structured Light”, SPIE Student Chapter Webconference of South Africa and Germany, Nov. 2021
  9. Jiawei Sun, “Real-time controlled cell-rotation in 3D with a phased-array optical manipulator”, Virtual Photonic Workshop, A joint event of the SPIE Student Chapter TU Dresden and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Mar. 2021



  • Vireak Dam “Physical model based deep neural network for quantitative phase imaging through a multi-core fiber” (Bachelor Thesis)


  • Jie Zhang “Real-time quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless microendoscope” (Bachelor Thesis) 满分(1.0/1.0)
    该论文荣获 2023 Gisela and Erwin Sick Measurement and Sensor Technology Prize 荣获Silicon Science Award for the excellent Bachelor Thesis Link 荣获德国激光协会(WLT)Theodore-Maiman-Scholarship 2023Link **
  • Bin Yang “Optical diffraction tomography towards label-free 3D imaging of embryos” (Master Thesis) 满分(1.0/1.0)
  • Chengxiao Wang “Optical Diffraction Tomography Using Multi-axis Cell Rotation with Isotropic Resolution” (Bachelor Thesis) 满分(1.0/1.0)
  • Bin Yang “Optimization of 3D Optical Projection Tomographic Reconstruction via Computer Vision and Deep Learning” (Bachelor Thesis) 满分(1.0/1.0)
  • Alexander Echeverría Kientzle, Nikolas Wohlgemuth, Vireak Dam “Analysis of fiber-optic cell-rotation using computer vision” (Student Project) 满分(1.0/1.0)